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Themed nights – from bore to blast

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Are you tired of going to the same old ’80s nights or fancy dress parties/events? Does the phrase “dress in your finest” no longer excite you? Don’t blame your lack of creative party ideas on the fact that they’ve all been used up, because that’s simply not true. There are plenty of unique ideas that will have people attending your event and ready to have a good time.


Coming up with great party ideas and themes requires a great deal of thought, but rest assured they’re out there. You don’t even have to come up with a new concept or theme, simply take an existing theme and give it a new twist.

Still having trouble getting your head around some awesome great themed nights? See below for a few of my favourites.

Office parties:

I know office parties can often be stiff and sometimes boring affairs. However, a few innovative office party ideas and games can go a long way to break the ice and liven up things. Definitely incorporate a theme such as; attendees dressed as famous politicians or their favourite star or celebrity. Or perhaps you could do Arabian nights, with dressing up, Middle Eastern food, Arabic decorated marquees/rooms and Middle Eastern entertainment.

Around the world:

I love this one. Each party area or room is set up with a theme that represents different parts of the world. The drinks, mood and decorations for each room centre on a particular city so people feel as though they are travelling around the world. For example, a Paris-themed room would provide French hors d’oeuvres and Parisian decor.

Carnival/Rio de Janeiro:

Based off of the four-day carnival celebration in Brazil, this theme requires guests to cover themselves in glitter and body paint while masquerading around in outrageous costumes and masks. As the event planner you must go over the top with decorations, making everything as sparkly and colourful as you can. Music should be upbeat and danceable. If you have enough space, hiring performers for this event would really make your event stand out.




















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